Together with Eczema

Can eczema start at any age?
Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that creates an intense pruritus with chronic evolution.
According to statistics, 10–20% of children and 1–3% of adults are affected by atopic de...

How to treat dry baby skin and atopic dermatitis?
Daily life with a baby or child suffering from atopic dermatitis can often be very different from our ideal image of a family. How do you stop yourself from getting frustrated or feeling down, cons...

How to prevent atopic dermatitis: good reflexes to have
Practical advice to space out eczema flare-ups: hygiene, diet, environment, itching & irritation, sport.
An atopic eczema flare-up is never a random occurrence. You are always able to overcome ...

Use a gentle cleanser for children with atopic dermatitis skin
"Parents are the cornerstone of atopic dermatitis management in children. Key players in the process, they should be persuaded of the benefits of care products; most importantly, they should unders...

How to take care of your kid's atopic skin
Everyone’s skin is unique and reacts differently. However, all dry and atopic skin has something in common: lipid deficiency and a lack of moisture, which can lead to skin irritation. Proper moist...

Could Your Pet Be Contributing to Your Child’s Eczema?
We hate to break this, but yes, your furry friends often can trigger eczema in both kids and adults who are sensitive or allergic to pet dander, saliva, or urine.
Eczema, also known as atopic derma...

How to wash Atopic/ Eczema prone skin
When it comes to washing and cleaning atopic skin, it is important to follow a proper bathing technique that helps maintain skin hydration.
To wash atopic skin properly, follow these steps: